New Horizons is a volunteer-based organization that integrates spirituality and service. We bring people together with other people and with the natural world in an encounter designed to deepen relationships and bring remedy and healing where it is needed.
We aim to serve the materially poor by providing for basic living needs and opportunities, and the spiritually poor by providing opportunities to awaken and strengthen spirits. New Horizons does not limit its practice to a particular religious tradition, but we welcome and celebrate the spiritual traditions found in various religions and worldviews, and we work to integrate this diverse spiritual richness into service, immersion, and inter-subjective encounters.
At New Horizons we believe in mutual exchange. Everyone gives and everyone receives in some way. We believe that growth comes from encounters and transcending our limits of knowledge and experience. Knowing more about our world, its people, and all of created life will restore balance, peace, and harmony. Finding the most authentic expression of our spirits through serving life and strengthening community is our mission.
Volunteers do not need to be committed to a religion or spiritual practice in order to participate in this mission, but have a desire to do good for others and be open to creating positive transformation of the world through our positive intentions and small acts.
Learn more about the various options you have to support our mission by clicking on a link to the right.