Our most immediate need from volunteers are for Clean Up and Building Renovation! Our beautiful property needs some TLC so we can move on to our other services! Please help us clean, paint, and repair our space! We need help restoring our building and greenhouses, and landscaping our outdoor space.
Upon completion of the cleanup and building renovation, we will have future volunteer opportunities available.
Future opportunities would entail growing and processing our produce, preparing meals, re-purposing furniture and making home goods for the economically challenged. We can also arrange groups to go to people’s homes to help them clean or repair their living spaces.
Schedule your group today by first filling in the form below!
We will also need individuals to volunteer for garden work, tutoring, and music and art lessons. We also need administrative help to maintain our schedules and tend to miscellaneous administrative tasks.
[contact-form to=”info@discoveryourhorizon.org” subject=”VOLUNTEER QUERY”][contact-field label=”What is your first and last name?” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”What is your email address?” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”What is your phone number?” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”What are you most interested in volunteering for?” type=”checkbox-multiple” options=”Clean Up and Renovate Our Building,Growing Food & Plants,Meal Preparation,Tutoring,Home Repair ,Music and Art Lessons,Professional Skill Development”][contact-field label=”Or tell us how you can help!” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]If you are in need, please let us know how our volunteers can support you!
Consider supporting our mission in other ways
Feel free to reach out with general inquiries, by: Emailing us at: info@discoveryourhorizon.org
Calling us: 331-725-6081