New Horizons is a volunteer-based organization that integrates spirituality and service. We bring people together with other people and with the natural world in an encounter designed to deepen relationships and bring remedy and healing where it is needed.
As a service organization, we aim to serve the materially poor by providing for basic living needs and opportunities, and the spiritually poor by providing opportunities to awaken and strengthen spirits. At New Horizons we believe in mutual exchange. Everyone gives and everyone receives in some way.
We invite you to join our community by giving today as generously as you can. If you would like to keep up with our progress, you can subscribe to our newsletter. Your gift, no matter how small, whether on a monthly plan or one time only, is an investment in a better world.
New Horizons, NFP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations to New Horizons are tax deductible to the full extent allowable under the law.
Consider alternative ways to support our mission as well. Learn more here.
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